26 januari 2022
Gisteren mocht Alicia Holzken (54kg) namens het Nederlands damesteam het spits afbijten in een mooie pot tegen de Griekse Plea Chrysoula. Alicia won de wedstrijd unaniem en komt 27 januari opnieuw in actie. Dit keer neemt zij het op tegen Zoe Andrews uit Wales.
Voordat Alicia weer de ring in komt is het eerst nog de beurt aan Juna Prinssen (57kg) om het op te nemen tegen de Russische Alina Pushkar. Dat gebeurt vanavond rond 19:00 uur.
Lees verder onderaan deze pagina.
"The 11th edition of the Nations Women’s Cup opened with twelve contests in the first day of boxing in Sombor, Serbia. The event always hosts in the month of January and together with the Tammer Tournament, it opens the new year. Kazakhstan’s Rimma Volosenko, England’s Jodie Wilkinson and Serbia’s Natalia Shadrina made impressive performance in the first day. Netherlands’ Alicia Holzken returned to the world of boxing with an outstanding success and proved she could be a strong weapon for her country in 2022. There are events for the elite, youth, junior and also schoolgirl boxers in Sombor, Serbia therefore the interest is huge in the competition. The boxers can prepare for the IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships, EUBC U22 European Boxing Championships and EUBC Youth European Boxing Championships in this Nations Women’s Cup.
The Round-up
"Netherlands’ Alicia Holzken had fantastic results as junior and youth boxer during her career and after a long break she decided to return to the world of boxing. Holzken claimed bronze medal at the 2011 AIBA Women’s Junior World Boxing Championships in Turkey and after a strong preparation she proved her energetic style of boxing at the Nations Women’s Cup on Day1. The 25-year-old Dutch girl was too strong and quick for Greece’s Chrysoula Plea and won her contest at the elite bantamweight (54kg)."
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